Sunday, 19 August 2012

The hills are alive, with the sound of....cows with bells??

The view of my private bedroom balcony.
Hey readers! So, here I am, a weary traveller returned from my weekend adventure. And, oh my goodness, what STUNNING scenery have I seen. For any of you who haven't been, the lake of Thun in the region of Interlaken is absolutely breath-taking. The huge Toblerone-esque moutains touch base with gorgeous water so clear and clean you can drink it, where luxury yachts and old fashion steam boats rub shoulders, where hikers and divers are one. And where I called home for a few days.

To start with, it's REALLY hot here at the minute- like over 30 degrees even until you go to sleep at night. So imagine my delight to arrive to such a glorious view after a long journey in a car, squished between to baby car seats, with a nagging cramp the whole way along my leg.On my journey up, we followed twisty roads through the glorious snow-capped mountains and delightful egg-rolling perfect green hills, where literal cows with literal bells literally...walked. Roaming free: every which colour of cow, all together as a group- it was beautiful to behold!
The view off my balcony

My room  was a thing of beauty. The lovely generations old house we stayed in had lovely wood-pannelled walls. I could have sat all day, watching the water sway and the delightful sounds of Pitbull booming from a luxury yacht zooming past. Bliss!

On Saturday we headed off towards the mountains, to tackle the Sheynige Platte: a lovely moutainous walk only reached by an hour long open top moutain train. There were some really funny highlights of this trip.

While we waited for the next mountain train, Cece the dog quickly established herself as a national emblem: revelling in the glory of herds of children and adults alike fawning around her. She lay down on her back and just let them go to town tickling her. Little minx!

It was quite hilarious to see literally tourists on a train sticking their cameras out to snap pictures of us on the platform. It must have looked a quintessentially Swiss picture: lovely dog, cute blonde child in a sunhat, blonde woman in hiking boots, they were all lapping it up. Oh well, when they're showing those holiday snaps to their families and saying 'Look how SWISS they are!' that's when I'll get my laugh. The woman in hiking boots was ME! The only thing Swiss about me is my Swatch watch and the constant amount of Gruyere cheese digesting in my stomach (I eat a lot of it here, so gooood!) The joke is well and truly on them. 

Anywho, when we reached the top it was amazing!!! Just look at my pictures!!! Of course, I wanted to get a shot of me with all of this magic, just to prove I was there and luckily an obliging Spanish woman offered to take several for me at different angles. You know, I love the Spanish people: they're kind, thoughtful...and complimentary! While she took my picture, her friend shouted to me 'Beautiful Smile!' It was fantastic!

Whilst climbing up, it was shouted over to me 'I think those two girls are Irish!' So I set my clover emblem to stun...and had a nice chat with the two girls when they confirmed they were in fact part of my crowd and we did the secret handshake. you not KNOW the secret handshake?? Well....this is kind of awkward! It was lush to get to slur my words a little and sound just a bit more casual for a change and we had a few laughs so we did.

Another hilarious incident...when we stopped for our picnic, Cece thought she'd go lie down as well. Unfortunately, as she tried to roll into a more comfortable position, she continued to roll. And roll. And roll. She rolled down half a mountain with a terribly funny scared expression....
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Seriously, Piz Buin??
 ...she was fine though, see?? Happy as...well, happy as a dog who didnt just roll off the entire thing!!

Anywho, after we all baked for a few hours of lovely climbing, we made our way back down the mountain and towards the lovely lake house...where, WE WENT SWIMMING!!! IN THE LAKE!! It was AWESOME! I was feeling really quite frolicsome in the water so was doing lots of floating and I even attempted a few back flips- woop! Much to my amusement, when I finished doing a rather mangled back flip, I was asked 'Did you used to be a synchronised swimmer?' Ha, nah mate, you're mistaken, I'm a TERRIBLE swimmer! Obviously I covered my frantic coughing and goggle removal maneouvre well!

Last night, I realised that I was in fact incredibly burnt...woops! I was really annoyed, because I'd worn cream all over as well, it just didn't last like it should have! This would not be an exaggeration if I likened myself to...say...the red M+M- shocking!!! In fact, as I have no shame anymore, here's some evidential proof...bearing in mind, the camera was in beauty mode and has therefore severely improved my colour to less red!
I almost had a Nervy B when I saw myself in the mirror last night, I looked like an IMBECILE! Luckily, this morning I noticed that some of it had already morphed into tan and the rest will hopefully fade soon as I'm now covered in Aloe Vera- hello! (sorry if you got that)- and nicely soothed. Just wish my face hadn't got burnt, it looks like I'm just really embarassed all the time *sigh* Well, this is gonna help with making friends! Thanks defective sun cream!! :D

I'll leave you with one last funny incident of the weekend. This morning, the little boy said to me 'Why do you always have these?' *Gestures to my chest*
Me: Well, I can't really help it, they're just there...Are you just jealous because you can't be as good a drag queen without them?
Little boy: *Nods*
Me: You'll just have to get really fat to get some of your own.
LB: But you're not fat at all!  Day. Made.
I proceed to squeeze him in a hug of gratitude and say 'You're so sweet!'

On a plus, I seem to be losing weight despite eating like a pig, must be due to all of the schwitz-ing (sweating) I've been doing in this heat- ah well, more cheese please! :D


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