Tuesday, 14 August 2012

May Angels Lead You In...some friends?

Hello...is it me you're looking for?? No, Lionel buddy, it is not either of us they are looking for! Because, apparently, I am really struggling to make friends here. It's not that I'm just being difficult. I just live in the country and I don't get to meet many people. It's a crying shame, that is! Any offers, Swiss readers??

L'Aventure Peugeot- the museeeee in France
Anyway, I'm not gonna be one of those ranty mcranters, who just moan on their blogs, unless of course it's with regards to SOTPM in which case we all enjoy a good moan about him, because we are his biggest fans, aren't we guys? But blaaargh, he's not being mentioned until I have good reason to do so!

 Previously in my life, I posted that rather melancholy post on Sunday  at lunch time.  Hilariously,within the space of a melancholy breakfast, melancholy lunch and some general mopey-ness- the unthinkable happened.

There I was, enjoying a mopey coffee and reading a magazine article about a model who likes eating, when the roar of a car arrived. Then another one. Then another one. Then another one. Minis. Vintage ones. Men. Six of them. After being introduced, I was whisked into a mini with a lovely man called Andre, and we all sped off in procession towards France. My life, eh??

Here we are arriving at the musuem: Andre and I. Not my words.
Don't believe me? Check it out, four mini parked together in the car park- what??

I had a whale of a time! For the first time in ages I was the only girl amongst a group of men. Plus, they were much older than me so really treated me nicely. They held doors for me. They bought my lunch and my tickets and my drinks. They called me a lady. They complimented me. They helped me. I loved the looks other people gave our group: six older men and one young girl- we must have looked fantastically weird!

So that was a delightful time in the afternoon, one of my happiest days so far. It was such a lovely drive into the country side too. Such a novelty for me to be being one minute in Switzerland and the next in France. Inconceivable! Plus, I had such lovely conversations with Andre the whole way there and back. And I might even have gotten a new reader for my blog...could it be true??

The second ever Peugeot car- and my favourite
In other news, the pursuit for finding me a prospect is continuing. Today a young man of roughly his 20s was getting his van fixed on site and I was quickly informed. It was suggested maybe I could go subtly play with the little girl outside, just to get introduced. I felt like a Victorian debutante. Until the child said 'Go Away' and hit me. Lovely job I have. Plus, although I enjoyed his initially flummoxed expression when I suddenly appeared in front of him, I got introduced dismissively as 'the au pair' and therefore got instantly dismissed as an absolute dunce who couldn't do anything else with her life. Dragging the child off to the other side of the yard, I tried to look casual in my denim shorts and pink fluffy slippers as I got ran into with a toy truck and got forced to dig through some dead leaves. He was very taken with me, I'm sure. Still, I did get a kick out of watching him trying and failing several times to reverse his van back out of the driveway. He was no SOTPM.

Today, I had to accompany the little one to Playgroup for half an hour, as she was too sad to stay alone. After a few games of cooking, I witnessed one of the earliest bitch faces I've ever seen in a life. This TERRIFYING toddler kept coming over and stealing things we were using. She'd then parade around the room with them and suddenly chuck them at us while looking really evil. You should have seen the two toddlers circle each other- like a chick flick frenemy montage!

This evening I got sent to my first language class. I had high hopes that I might meet some nice people my own age and FINALLY have places to go and people to do things with. It's no fun knowing you're in the way always being here. Plus, it gets really depressing to just stay where you work all the time. And the work is HARD. So I got on the tram with high hopes.

Where I'm going to end up, in a strait jacket, after my mental break.
Those quickly plummetted. For ages, it was only me and the teacher. Then a Turkish girl showed up. With an older woman who must have been somehow connected to her. Then a Brazilian girl. And that was it. Apparently if we don't get anymore members then our class is getting cancelled...yay! There goes my hopes of learning German! I thought the Brazilian girl was about the same age as me and we might get on. Alas, she is married with three children: the oldest of which is TWELVE!!!!!! The other two were both older too and the Turkish girl kept trying to correct me on things so I took to trying to beat her to every single right answer. Ha! And I succeeded.


The only people who did really address me in town, with the exception of patronising Turkish girl and the teacher, were an absolute dead ringer for Whoopi Goldberg who was sitting in front of me on the tram and offered me some friendly advice when I couldn't get off the tram at my stop...like an IMBECILE! I really wanted to yell  'Thank you, Whooopiiii!!' The only other person to address me was a short teenaged boy who appeared to be auditioning for a Jay Z impersonation gig and looked like he might have been from the Phillipines who said 'Heeeellllo' in what I assume was meant to be a sleazy way which I quite frankly ignored. So an abundance of social opportunities, as you can see!

On the plus side, 1) I have totally gotten tanned without a single bit of sun burn. Like as in, people actually comment on it. 2) People keep mistaking me for a native and asking me for advice and directions. 3) And the mosquitoes here don't mind me one bit! Unlike those stupid Tiger Mozzies in Spain!4) Travelling Salesman totally emailed me back today. Turns out the reason we didnt meet up for some fun on Sunday was because he had to go back to London early due to a knee injury. Now we're penpals! And if there's anything I have a real aptitude for, except for giving the wolf in Red Riding Hood an exceptionally fine American accent, it's keeping up correspondences with people at a distance who never have to see me whatsoever!


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