Thursday, 4 July 2013

Chicken Alanna, Vintage Tractors and Progress at last

 Hello All,
As frequent readers of this blog may be aware, I have a tendency to talk about a load of nonsense. Usually this is as a kind of filler when nothing of any real interest is happening in my life. Because, as you'll also be aware, sometimes things happen, usually lots at once (something about boys and buses here...) and these events, though not particularly monumental tend to resemble Lemony Snicket's 'Series of Unfortunate(ly) (Awkward) Events. This entry, I am happy to report, is one with no needed nonsense. 100% pure real life happenings. I'm sure you cannot wait.
Iron Throne

So, June has been quite an eventful month, in almost entirely good ways. First of all, the Game of Thrones exhibit came to Belfast- this was very exciting as we never get any of the cool tours in this part of the U.K, and this time it was only us that got it!! This is due to the filming of a majority of the show being right here in this little piece of land. Apparently they're filming right now...the temptation to grab some buddies and try and encounter them while they're out and about is a strong this space.

I know, Keith, I can't believe it either
Secondly, finally some progress on the job hunt. And it's the best possible company ever. BBC. They've decided I've got something...I get to go to training in a few weeks with some really cool people and we are being given the chance to work as runners on sets. I couldn't think of anything more wonderful. Of course, this has reawakened a competitive beast. I want to succeed. I want to be good at it. I want to make it onto the next level. Now just to prove that although I don't have as much experience as the other 149 people, I really do have a unique me-ness to share.

Thirdly, my sister was over visiting and there were some random happenings. When we went for lunch in this cool furniture store in the next town over, we had one of those moments where you have to stifle laughter pretty unaffectively. While waiting to order, the couple in front of us asked what all food was in the display. The lady behind the counter replied in what can only be described as a Mickey Mouse voice- squeaky, cartoon like, totally worthy of frequent imitations. She proceeded to list the food and there seemed to be a frequent theme. Chicken. All the chicken in the nearby area must have crossed the wrong people. And they'd got their comeuppance...apparently.

This is what they had (imagine in a hilarious high pitched voice): Chicken curry, Chicken Alana, Chicken and Broccoli Bake, Chicken and Peach Bake...never fear Veggies, they had Quiche.

Broken Doll. Chic.
On Friday we proceeded to go for a beach day to Newcastle, N.I. A trip to Newcastle is never complete without a ramble around the boardwalk path, taking nutty pictures. We decided it was the perfect opportunity for an America's Next Top Model style pose off. Needless to say, we won't be qualifying for the show any time soon....

But boy did we have fun.

Two Pointers- dog passenger with red neck scarf
Brace yourself, all. The highlight of the Waringstown social calendar. Well, actually, it's pretty much the only event on the entire year long calendar. It's literally just this. Last Friday in June. Vintage car cavalcade.

Unfortunately, in rural Co. Down, the main specimen of vintage vehicle appears to be the vintage tractor. Over half of the 100s were tractors. Ah country life... There were some pretty cool things though and my sister and I came up with a bonus point scoring system. Extra point if your outfit matches your vehicle. Extra point if your baby is strapped onto your tractor. Extra point if you have a dog on board. Two extra points if both you and your dog match your vehicle. And so on etc. etc.

It really brought out all the glorious specimen of residents here. There were 99 ice creams, barely legal tail gating and almost the entirety of the Co Down Young Farmer's Club present. It's times like these that I really find myself thinking 'Gee, I'm glad I'm not away in Spain like I normally am this time of year.' You may detect some sarcasm here.

However, I have rather enjoyed June and I hope that July will bring me some equal delights. Tomorrow I am going hiking. Watch out, Mournes!

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