Wednesday, 5 September 2012

And that's when the crazy woman shouted...

Hello and how are you? Here we are, another day, another shenanigan. That's a good word, isn't it? Shenanigan! The thing about good words though is that sometimes they are not easily applicable to most sentences. For example, I couldn't say 'Check out the shenanigan on that one!' and that is what most of my sentences consist of...because I'm a judgmental critter- I'm not.

There have been a few funny things I've been up to the last day and a half or so. Prepare to be regaled ;)

First of all, I decided to educate the little girl on the music that I enjoy so we were listening to some Taylor Swift on Spotify. As soon as a picture of Taylor appeared on the screen, the little girl said, 'That is you?' I love it! Yeaah..that's me if I was a millionaire and a bit taller and could get my hair to control itself a bit more. I'll take that compliment. I've really started to appreciate having such a young friend. She is so blunt. I ask her if my outfit is okay/ if she likes my hair/ if my make up is nice. My favourite is asking 'Do I look fat today?' because she always responds 'No' in a really 'Duh' way. It stops me thinking 'I shouldn't have had that extra Gruyere.' You know?

It might sound like I am a loner, but a lot of my anecdotes in this blog are things I have done on my lonesome. Call me a loner geek but I seem to recall on my earlier mentioned Bucket List (a few entries ago) that I was going to learn how to spend time alone and really become comfortable with just myself for company. And I can do it. It is such an exhilirating feeling to eat alone somewhere. Or read your book in complete silence. Or browse clothes shops for all the time you need. Because when I go with friends, I always go where they go in the shop so we can chat. But when it's allllll in my head, I can go wherever I like. Freeing!

I had another freeing moment yesterday when I went to my language course. Before it started, I rushed to the toilets as usual (because the thought of class gets me so excited I need to pee apparently). My ipod was still playing while I went there and, lo and behold, 'Sexy and I know It' started playing.
I had a sneaky look around me and then I just let loose. I danced, readers. I danced like I was an edgy gangster hipster. I danced embarassingly. I danced big. I, in fact, risked it to get the biscuit. There was always that moment of 'Will I get caught?' And then I looked out the window and I was fully visible to the busy square below, should anyone wish to look upwards. I am legend. Sorry Will Smith.

The Swiss countryside is a lovely idyllic place, I find. It's just perfect for when you are walking along and Duck Soup's 'Barbara Streisand' comes on your ipod. and you absolutely MUST shout out your own name instead of Barbara Streisand. Try it sometime. It was very fun for me ;)

The countryside was not so idyllic this morning. For some reason, a massive herd of dogs all took to barking at once. It got me a bit on edge. I couldn't help but feel like I was suddenly in that scene near the start of 101 Dalmations where the dogs all start barking to try and find the puppies. I half expected Cruella De Vil to show up in a Transit Van with two unlikely lads and a sack of puppies...the only person I did see seemed to be shovelling twigs into his trailer and was a dead ringer for Santa Clause. That!

And an update on the little doppelganger I have at the kindergarten. I have now noted another similarity. She lifts up her friends! Like...constantly! That's what I do, that's what I've done for years. Even if they were impossibly heavy men who were partial to muscles. You don't see many 5 year olds lifting other 5 year olds! Also, a random little boy this morning thought I was my doppelganger's mother- it's not just me sees the similarity! Magical.

Last night something truly magical was discovered... I was out at Paddys as usual, drinking beer and watching the US Open of Tennis, talking to my friend, when we tried something truly remarkable. Chips, right? Proper potato yummy chips. Covered with homemade Chilli Con Carne with lots of Kidney Beans yum yum yum and absolutely OOOODLES of cheese- lovely Swiss cheese. It was divine. Every bite I took from start to finish, I just had to say 'Ooooh! Yum!'

Get some.


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