Today was a sad day. The first of my friends moved out of our house here in Lancaster. It's the strangest feeling ever, because you can say things will still be the same and that nothing is going to change but can we ever guarantee such a thing? We all want to do such different and great things with our lives, when we see each other, will we still be the same people? Will they all still be the best friends I've ever had.
Enjoying the cold and fireworks: Josie, Ruthie, Hannah and I |
Three years ago, I met three girls on my first day of university. We've been inseparable and together ever since. The longest we've spent apart has been holidays. Even in summer we usually met up at least once. But now- it's truly over. The next time we're all together will be in over a month's time, wearing dodgy used black robes and enduring one of the most boring saddest days of our lives: graduation. I can't believe it.
At our favourite tapas spot for Josie's 21st this week |
Anyway, in this post I just wanted to mention how much I'm going to miss
them all. I know it's exciting to be going out on our own but I know
that they were meant to be my best friends. I can't imagine I'll ever meet any body I so connect with again. That sort of thing only happens once in a lifetime.
When I grow up I wanna be: Our leaving party |
Let me tell you about my friends. Hannah is the wackiest, loudest, strangest little nutjob I've ever met. She comes out with amazing one liners but other times she won't have a clue what's going on! She loves Disney and toys and wacky jewellery and is full of surprises. We became friends straight away in first year when we had our rooms next to each other and realised that we listened to almost identically the same kinds of music. We've stayed close throughout the whole three years, even becoming branded as Crannah like we were some kind of celebrity couple.
Josie and I at Valentine's Day dinner at 1725 |
Josie is my blonde soulmate. Because every body needs a hair companion! We've been in class together for three years, surviving the cliques and cliches and phallic symbolisms of, well, everything in English. We bonded over playing our instruments and liking chick flicks and period dramas and being, quite frankly, a little bit weird. We have wild laughing fits at the strangest things, whether it was tiny tiny squirrels or rustling crisp packets or our brief stint in choir at university. Last summer we went to Barcelona together to au pair and that only made us closer. We're returning there in a week in a half for what I'm sure will be bucket loads more of whimsy!
Hannah and I at Christmas dinner |
Ruthie Byrne, you must use her full name, has always been Ruthie to us. Never her given name of Ruth. She's taken abuse for being ginger, it is the U.K way after all, and survived the many weird collages we stuck in her room every time she dared leave the house. She's a wonderful little person, who is always good to have a Lord of the Rings marathon with, or talk about Game of Thrones, or watch Jane Austen films with, or watch Harry Potter. She reads a lot of books, like I do, so we always have loads to talk about. She's hilarious because most of the time she keeps a really straight face and is so sensible but then she'll do something so completely mental that you can't quite believe it when it happens! Such as donning a poncho and moustache and pretending to be a Mexican...
Ruthie and I at Bonfire Night in the park |
So that's my gang: an eclectic mix of lunatics, who would rather sing songs and to lumberjack themed ballet in checked shirts, would rather make roast dinners and have themed parties, would rather midget run up stairs or play 'Irish Granny's handbag' while I imitate an Elderly Irish woman off to market while wearing a tea towel atop, yes atop, my head, than ever dream of going out to a night club. We've been through it all together: mean people, fights, the time someone switched around my spy hole and we all freaked out, strange encounters with people we never talked to again, Rainbow House and the big fall out, stalking Jehovah's Witnesses, explaining the intricacies of life to Hannah- again and again- dragging Christmas trees home, recording our own Covergirl commercials, making puppet shows and playing in the snow, wearing vampire fangs and pretending to be huge babies, weird neighbours and 5000 pound horses, laughs, tears and really odd impressions of each other.
Just before Josie left this morning |
The Brady Bunch |
And now, here we are, at the end of the earth. At the end of life as we knew it. Wondering what we'll be facing next or where we are going to end up. Nothing but a few predictions of what'll happen in our, hopefully, bright futures. Where we'll go, who knows? I just wanted to write this post to say: I love you three and it's been a blast! I hope we keep in touch and are always a part of each others' lives. When one of you gets married, I'll be back to celebrate with you, probably covered in cats, wishing you joy and happiness. When one of you discovers the next big thing in life, I'll be there wanting some of your millions, after all...I invented Post-It notes!!! ;)
Thanks for the memories, see you all at graduation for one final boy band air jump!
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