Hello My Leiblings...or something equally full of adoration and delight.
To celebrate (or rather mourn) the conclusion of another season of Game of Thrones, it seemed only fitting to this writer to find out which wonderful character she was most like. I thought maybe I might have the comedic stylings of Tyrion Lannister, the shrewd suspicion of most other women of Cersei, but let's be honest, I had my fingers crossed for the Mother of Dragons, and my home girl, Daenarys Targaryen. She's been my favourite character since I started reading the books, and she's brave, caring, feminine and strong: all the things I aspire to be.
Needless to say, my results was none of the above.
Sansa. Sansa Stark.
Seriously?? She's a bit of a wimpy girly weak character, isn't she? That result was a bit of a slap in the face, let me tell you!
For those not familiar with her ways, A Wiki of Ice and Fire describes her as "She was raised a lady, and possesses the traditional feminine graces
of her milieu, with a keen interest in music, poetry, singing, dancing,
embroidery, and other traditional feminine activities. Like many girls
her age, Sansa is enthralled by songs and stories of romance and
adventure, particularly those depicting handsome princes, honorable knights, chivalry, and love."
That's all quite pretty and nice but she never gets any of the best lines, or the action sequences, she's more of a passive recipient of Joffrey's absolute asshole-ry and people's leud comments.
Needless to say, I wasn't all that enthralled to receive that result, so I tried another quiz just to see if I got a different result.
I didn't.
Apparently I am, and can only be, a Sansa Stark.
See for yourself, here's my two quiz results:
What did any of you get? I'd love to hear that maybe the test was rigged, and EVERYBODY is Sansa Stark. Maybe??
Anyway, my thoughts on the season finale. "Why is the rum gone??" Or rather, "Why is Game of Thrones gone??" :( I'll really miss the casual maiming of an Ironborn, the puns of a Lannister on the beginning of his bedding ceremony, the burning of slave masters by the wonderful dragons, Daenarys sacking cities and becoming a mother to a nation, Cersei's passive aggressive comments about indecent exposure in Margery Tyrell, Sam becoming the first White Walker slayer in 1000s of years, and, of course, that time one of the Unsullied got his nipple hacked off on live TV.
I won't miss the Freys being snivelly little gits, Red Wedding feasts, people playing the Lord of Castamere- that never ends well, the Stark family nearly seeing each other but missing every time, Direwolves being killed- Stop the Direwolf cruelty!!
What I'm most looking forward to in next season. Joffrey's wedding feast(Not because I want to wish him well on his wedding day but because of something else that happens *giggles gleefully*), the dragons growing up, Daenary's new romance with a certain hunky man, Tyrion when he gets handy with a crossbow.
Game of Thrones, you shall be missed indeed.
Oh yeah....why did I get Sansa Stark???
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