Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Fashion Choices for the Unfashionable

Today I'm going to impart some wisdom to you all. If you know me you probably know I'm not the most fashionable of chicas. I wear tracksuits, I don't ever style my hair, I only own two pairs of high heels, I've never worn fake eyelashes or fake tan. On the internet these days, there are a vast and uncountable parade of blogs about who's hot and who's not, what's chique and what's not and it got me to thinking: There's no blog for us left-footed people of the dressing world. There's no blog for those of us who don't really try and be fashionable. As Coco Chanel says, "Fashion is made to become unfashionable." So I figure, let's skip the middle fashionable stage and go straight to the ''s unfashionable already' stage. I bring to you, fashion choices for the unfashionable.

This fetching style of exuberant horizontal strips of colour, combined with trousers made from a raincoat style material, can be easily accessorised with au natural curls (with no recognisable parting), necklaces inspired by tribes of Papoa New Guinea, belts to keep that elongated crotch pouch attached and secure (so nobody sees your gentleman's business) and a subtly placed advertising strategy for Pepsi. If possible, this style will work best if you have an identical twin and two willing identical twins of the opposite gender that you can co-ordinate best with. Because it's not enough to have matching faces.

This young lady is demonstrating that it's okay to take your love of Billy Ray Cyrus to another level entirely. Denim on denim is perhaps the most tantalising of combinations. She's gone for a rather modest white vest top, which Billy Ray has jazzed up into being rather more of a chest barer. Denim on denim is a very flexible style: the two denims don't have to match. Sometimes it's a case of: more clash=more street credibility. Basically you can play it safe, or you can go the extra mile and incorporate fringing, rhinestones and a frightened and dubious facial expression. A word to the public, don't mock somebody who has the guts for double denim. Or you might break their 'Achey Breaky Hearts.'

 A style which has been synonymous with comfortable tourism fashion has to be the glorious combination of Socks and Sandals! The terrible twosome: Ben and Jerry, Mary Kate and Ashley, Mickey and Minnie. Even if the weather's scorching hot, there's no need to actually use sandals in the way they were intended! Why have your feet bare to circulating air when you could trap them into socks so they get nice and sweaty? Plus side: you don't need to make your feet part of your 'summer body', they can look like a hairy banana if you so desire them. A fashion choice for the morally conscious: it's highly immoral for a lady to show her ankles. Newsflash: It doesn't matter about the rest of the legs, wear hotpants and nobody will bat an eyelash but show your ankles *shudders* you're a harlot! Here  is the perfect solution, and hey, less chance of a blister when wearing those new sandals for the first time. Ring a ding ding.

Don't listen to the cats.

For the larger gentleman or lady, a style which always goes down well with you and your loved ones: the redneck. Although in actual fact I probably am a bit of a hick...well, a British hick (a brick??) there's something about a ponytailed man with an ensemble which screams "Too small! Too small!" that really can bring a girl to her knees screaming "Why, red necks, why??" If you wish to try this subtle and understated style you will need: long, unwashed looking hair, a baseball cap that doesn't fit your head, a cut-off Lumberjack style checkard shirt (the length of a crop top), a t-shirt with a provocative slogan (also the length of a crop top), a protruding stomach which you pat from time to time as if you are carrying a baby (not just 10 years of holiday fat), jeans with no real shape or defining features, and of course, a six pack of cheap beer in your hand. Before you get to thinking it could be pricey to put together this ensemble, relaaaax! Just get really fat...then all your clothes will shrink away in terror from your stomach anyway! 

Do you ever find a jumper pattern you just really enjoy?? Well if you do, buy in bulk!!! The ultimate trade mark of us unfashionable is to bulk buy one thing and over-wear that one thing until everybody we've ever met has seen us in it at least ten times. Sometimes you find a sweater which just happens to be in every size imaginable!! When this is the case, guess what?? You can buy it for all your family! Then you can all wear it together for family fun times together. Hot damn! And you know what? They'll all really thank you for the matching.  If you find a sweater with a suitable bold and colourful design, it's best to keep the bottoms in a mute singular tone. You don't want to look....clashing, right?

The most beloved item of the middle-aged woman. The Mum/Mom Jeans. An essential item for your wardrobe, they are characterised by their above waist waistline, their tightly belted waist, their ability to make even a slim women look like she has a hugh pelvis region, their accompaniment with tucked into tops (of course) and their disappointing ankle finish which culminates in either: 1. An above ankle length or 2. A ballooning effect to disguise your ankles from the world.

Wearers of the Mum Jeans are usually elsewise characterised by their sensible handbags, their sensible shoes and the most beloved of all Mum related things: The Mum Run. You might have seen them, women in a hurry, women rushing to cross the road before the lights change, women taking children to taekwondo and tap dancing. The Mum Run basics: Your legs have to move really quickly. Like in a cartoon when the character is about to move and their legs blur and there's a lot of smoke. Although your legs are moving quickly though, your arms have to stay at your sides, as if you have weights on the end. You're in a hurry, but nobody needs to know that! The illusion of a casual walk is brilliantly created by the still arms. Genius. Mum Running is not just for Mums. Oh no. A few young ladies of my acquaintance can vouch for our own accidental transition into Mum Runners for our own stresses and worries. The difference being, we feel the after shame. True Mum Runners do not.

 So, I've tried to give you a few suggestions readers. The most important thing about being unfashionable is to cause this face
<<<<<<<<<<<< to happen at least once a day when people see your ensemble.

Also you should note, my unfashionable friends, we are not alone in this. 8 out of 10 people quite enjoy an unfashionable day or two. Here's a secret: we're the normal ones!!! We know what we like and we aren't afraid to be bold enough to wear it. We are fashion. We are ingenuity. We are.....
probably really very unfashionable. But I love you anyway :)

And you look great. 

Monday, 10 June 2013

Mhysa serious?? (And other terrible plays on words)

Hello My Leiblings...or something equally full of adoration and delight.

To celebrate (or rather mourn) the conclusion of another season of Game of Thrones, it seemed only fitting to this writer to find out which wonderful character she was most like. I thought maybe I might have the comedic stylings of Tyrion Lannister, the shrewd suspicion of most other women of Cersei, but let's be honest, I had my fingers crossed for the Mother of Dragons, and my home girl, Daenarys Targaryen. She's been my favourite character since I started reading the books, and she's brave, caring, feminine and strong: all the things I aspire to be.

Needless to say, my results was none of the above.

Sansa. Sansa Stark.

Seriously?? She's a bit of a wimpy girly weak character, isn't she? That result was a bit of a slap in the face, let me tell you!

For those not familiar with her ways, A Wiki of Ice and Fire describes her as "She was raised a lady, and possesses the traditional feminine graces of her milieu, with a keen interest in music, poetry, singing, dancing, embroidery, and other traditional feminine activities. Like many girls her age, Sansa is enthralled by songs and stories of romance and adventure, particularly those depicting handsome princes, honorable knights, chivalry, and love."

That's all quite pretty and nice but she never gets any of the best lines, or the action sequences, she's more of a passive recipient of Joffrey's absolute asshole-ry and people's leud comments. 

Needless to say, I wasn't all that enthralled to receive that result, so I tried another quiz just to see if I got a different result. 

I didn't. 

Apparently I am, and can only be, a Sansa Stark. 

See for yourself, here's my two quiz results:

What did any of you get? I'd love to hear that maybe the test was rigged, and EVERYBODY is Sansa Stark. Maybe??

Anyway, my thoughts on the season finale. "Why is the rum gone??" Or rather, "Why is Game of Thrones gone??" :( I'll really miss the casual maiming of an Ironborn, the puns of a Lannister on the beginning  of his bedding ceremony, the burning of slave masters by the wonderful dragons, Daenarys sacking cities and becoming a mother to a nation, Cersei's passive aggressive comments about indecent exposure in Margery Tyrell, Sam becoming the first White Walker slayer in 1000s of years, and, of course, that time one of the Unsullied got his nipple hacked off on live TV.

I won't miss the Freys being snivelly little gits, Red Wedding feasts, people playing the Lord of Castamere- that never ends well, the Stark family nearly seeing each other but missing every time, Direwolves being killed- Stop the Direwolf cruelty!!

What I'm most looking forward to in next season. Joffrey's wedding feast(Not because I want to wish him well on his wedding day but because of something else that happens *giggles gleefully*),  the dragons growing up, Daenary's new romance with a certain hunky man, Tyrion when he gets handy with a crossbow.

Game of Thrones, you shall be missed indeed.

Oh yeah....why did I get Sansa Stark???