There's something I just had to share. I am an addict. A doirty yoghurt addict. Last Saturday I went over the border to Germany to do my shopping. It was really good fun. In a laugh out loud way. Basically when I got off at my tram, I had to walk, in a troop of people carrying suitcases and carry cases, on a surprisingly humid day, over several bridges and through a security check point with lurking police officers. I seriously felt like a Mexican! And that's not the sort of thought one has every day... It was totally worth it though, because everything was half the price as in Switzerland which is just preposterous- they're literally walking distance apart!!!

So, there you have it folks, I'm just a girl who can't say no (to yoghurt). Crikey!
In other news, I have officially made my debut on the radio. That's right, this lovely voice can now be heard speaking real human words to a real human audience. Heaven help them! It's also on their website. I am super excited about the whole thing. Last night I meandered down to the studios (when I should have been in German class- whooops!) because I had been asked to join the show if I was interested. A girl like me doesn't get requested much for these kind of endeavours so I jumped at the chance. It'd look great on my CV. It'd be great fun. And it was!

When I was sixteen, I did work experience in a local newspaper. After reading my work, I was told by the editor that although I had excellent writing ability and good grammar and everything, I was too funny to be a journalist. So my dream died. But now I've seen that radio journalism lets you say weird and funny and interesting things, the dream has re-alighted. I am gonna take this opportunity (or bull) by the horns and run with it. Imagine if this could lead to a permanent job where people wanted to hear me talk and I actually got paid?? That'd be incredible! So, I am most certainly optimistic of the possibilities. Tomorrow I am making my first outing over the border into Germany as a serious journalist and I'm going to investigate the crap out of what's going on there events wise because if I get any thing of interest, I get to go on air next week- more than the little tiny bit I said this week.
In other news, and this is gonna be pretty cryptic because I hardly dare breathe, finding a job is really all about who you know. And finally I seem to have found some connections worth knowing. Could I possibly have a lead on getting a job, a real office 9 to 5 job, which I might actually be good at? Could I really have such a chance? The waiting game has begun.
This weekend coming is the massice Herbst (Autumn) festival here in Basel and everybody is very excited by the whole thing. Every time I make my way home on the tram, I see tons of fun fair rides being set up in every major square in the city, and today the haunted house had its lights lit and flashing and the ferris wheel is fully built and there's all sorts of stands being set up, and I'm really hoping to get down to it at the weekend and get some long overdue pictures. Now just to find some company...hmm...
Tomorrow night I will be going to my German course for the first time in AGES (since before the shizz hit the fan) and then out for drinks with the Thursday night crew, plus my meander into Germany in the morning- tomorrow is going to be a top day!
And the weekend, particularly Sunday, is looking quite bright and shiny already. And snowy. Because guess what....we're finally expected to get some proper good old fashion real snow at the weekend! :D This is the whole reason I came to Switzerland, I bet it's going to be AMAZEBALLS!
How are you all? I hope things are top notch and fine and dandy!
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