Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Something wicked this way comes?

 Wazzup homies! Here I am, writing another blog post, at the end of another thought, the end of another day, the end of another dream. I had such a nice sleep last night, I actually had dreams which I haven't been having so often here. I can't remember what I dreamt of, but it was something really sweet.

There's something I just had to share. I am an addict. A doirty yoghurt addict. Last Saturday I went over the border to Germany to do my shopping. It was really good fun. In a laugh out loud way. Basically when I got off at my tram, I had to walk, in a troop of people carrying suitcases and carry cases, on a surprisingly humid day, over several bridges and through a security check point with lurking police officers. I seriously felt like a Mexican! And that's not the sort of thought one has every day... It was totally worth it though, because everything was half the price as in Switzerland which is just preposterous- they're literally walking distance apart!!!

Anyway, amongst my bargains I scooped up was a monster 1000g tub of strawberry yoghurt. Anybody who knows me in real life knows I am an absolute yoghurt fiend, who will literally exclaim with satisfaction when a yoghurt hits the spot. I am nothing if not a stickler for my daily yoghurt. So I thought this pot, branded as 'Family Sized' might last me the week. Only was delicious! And it is finished. Already. And it is Wednesday. I am an absolute nightmare!

So, there you have it folks, I'm just a girl who can't say no (to yoghurt). Crikey!

In other news, I have officially made my debut on the radio. That's right, this lovely voice can now be heard speaking real human words to a real human audience. Heaven help them! It's also on their website. I am super excited about the whole thing. Last night I meandered down to the studios (when I should have been in German class- whooops!) because I had been asked to join the show if I was interested. A girl like me doesn't get requested much for these kind of endeavours so I jumped at the chance. It'd look great on my CV. It'd be great fun. And it was!
I was sitting with those cool headphones on, in front of live recording equipment, next to the producer and radio host, and I watched the whole thing unfold. It's a show exclusively for the expat community here, all in English, and they basically just banter about everything.
When I was sixteen, I did work experience in a local newspaper. After reading my work, I was told by the editor that although I had excellent writing ability and good grammar and everything, I was too funny to be a journalist. So my dream died. But now I've seen that radio journalism lets you say weird and funny and interesting things, the dream has re-alighted. I am gonna take this opportunity (or bull) by the horns and run with it. Imagine if this could lead to a permanent job where people wanted to hear me talk and I actually got paid?? That'd be incredible! So, I am most certainly optimistic of the possibilities. Tomorrow I am making my first outing over the border into Germany as a serious journalist and I'm going to investigate the crap out of what's going on there events wise because if I get any thing of interest, I get to go on air next week- more than the little tiny bit I said this week.

In other news, and this is gonna be pretty cryptic because I hardly dare breathe, finding a job is really all about who you know. And finally I seem to have found some connections worth knowing. Could I possibly have a lead on getting a job, a real office 9 to 5 job, which I might actually be good at? Could I really have such a chance? The waiting game has begun.

This weekend coming is the massice Herbst (Autumn) festival here in Basel and everybody is very excited by the whole thing. Every time I make my way home on the tram, I see tons of fun fair rides being set up in every major square in the city, and today the haunted house had its lights lit and flashing and the ferris wheel is fully built and there's all sorts of stands being set up, and I'm really hoping to get down to it at the weekend and get some long overdue pictures. Now just to find some company...hmm...

Tomorrow night I will be going to my German course for the first time in AGES (since before the shizz hit the fan) and then out for drinks with the Thursday night crew, plus my meander into Germany in the morning- tomorrow is going to be a top day!

And the weekend, particularly Sunday, is looking quite bright and shiny already. And snowy. Because guess what....we're finally expected to get some proper good old fashion real snow at the weekend! :D This is the whole reason I came to Switzerland, I bet it's going to be AMAZEBALLS!

How are you all? I hope things are top notch and fine and dandy!


Thursday, 18 October 2012

Don't get mad, get reading...

As it has been literally yonkers since I last wrote a blog entry, here I am...again on my owwwwwwnnn, going down the only road I've ever knooooown! Quiet, Whitesnake, not now. Get back in your box! Under my bed... creepy? yeah, it is.

So, what's a girl to do when she's out of luck and in a random city, looking for work that doesn't involve impersonating a lamp on a main street for people's pityful coppers or renting myself out as a children's entertainer for pretty low budget shindigs? Well, I will tell you. She starts a city-wide book club. Yep, don't get mad, start a book club. Of course.

Well, needless to say, as I am an all-around fandabbydosey specimen and pretty much a book-omaniac, it seemed only natural that my outlet would be to read books and have semi- aggressive literary discussions about books that I actually can sink my teeth into. With a bit of depth to them. Or something. So, I had my first meeting of the club last night in Starbucks. I showed up with my hand-drawn sign, reading 'Book Lovers Assemble' and a song in my heart. And a reaaaaalllly over-priced coffee (because apparently when I get asked anything these days, I respond with 'Sure would!' Para example, this is a little dialogue between me and the Starbucks cashier:
'Do you want cream on top?
'Sure would!'
'Would you like a double shot of coffee?'
'Sure would!'
'Ohh...really? Do you want to stay awake tonight or something?'
'Sure would!'
'We have a current promotion on- buy a biscotti and get a free used tissue, would you happen to be interested?'
'Sure would!'
*leaves with a sigh of realisation and a pretty swell used tissue*
Okay, so the biscotti offer was a bit of an imbellishment but I was muttering to myself as I went upstairs 'Seriously? You wanted ALL of these extra features?' I guess I have not lost my imbecilic ways yet...

Anywho, the meeting was a colossal success and I met all sorts of people from all sorts of places and we chose our next three books to read and all is sunny and nice and I'm excited to get started. Only problem, I started the first book today ('Cloud Atlas' by David Mitchell) and it's really tricky!!! Why, in the name of Julia Roberts highly over-rated smile, did I suggest such a ridiculously complicated book? The rest of the group are gonna haaaate me!

In other news, I spent a lovely Saturday and Sunday in a lovely city called St. Gallen last weekend. One of the more remarkable aspects of the trip: not a single freak on a single tram or train deigned to approach me...Eureka, I've been cured! I had a swell time and, although I have turned into a lazy mother udder with taking photographs, I took three pictures...which I should share now in my blog...because this page looks really bland without any photos! I had such lovely company, and he let me watch Strictly Come Dancing without complaining (even when I joined in with a particularly enthusiastic although not very accurate salsa dance of my own when 'Hips Don't Lie' came on, and we got a cable car over a water fall, and we talked for hours about all sorts, and I saw a blimp, and there were loads of elderly people all around, and a random dog jumped on my knee for a you can tell, it was the stuff that dreams are made of...

Or, more accurately, what Lizzie McGuire and a boy with a fake Italian accent would sing about

I'm really sorry...but now I can't stop singing the sonofagun song!! They're both Hilary Duff, by the way, though the brunette wig was very confusing I will admit!

Still, hey now hey now! :)

I'm gonna acquire a metallic semi-formal business suit as well, then when I got to Italy a fake Italian will totally confuse me for a literal pop star and I'll make it.

This is particularly important because I thought I was getting my big break on BBC last week but it looks like it won't be happening after all. Turns out moving out of your country, although qualifying you to be on the show about emigration, does mean you can't be filmed because you have already left the country...hmmm....

In other news, I've just been living life here, working some hours, and meeting up with various different friends,
having generally a great time and really loving life, just wishing I didn't feel so worried about gaining a permanent job...something needs to change in that regards soon...

On a positive note on the topic: FINISHED MY TEFL! I AM QUALIFIED :D I can even print off a certificate and frame it if I so desire ;)

I will leave you with this charming anecdote:

I was walking home from the tram stop last night when I heard a man wolf whistle. I ignored it. Then he wolf whistled again. So I glanced around. A man on his balcony whistling at me- have to hand it to him, that's commitment. Particularly as I was wearing that coat I have that makes me look like I have reaaaaalllllly short legs! So thank you persistent man, you've really made Switzerland feel like home.
One very positive thing about living in KleinBasel- so many Italians= much more attention!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Fearless? Pull the other one, Taylor!

Hey guys, it's Tuesday here in, well, the world, and you know what that means...I was doing something else all weekend/last night and so am really very dreadfully late with updating my blog. Whoops!

I'm sure you were all very concerned after last week's entry and so I just wanted to update another time to let you all know that things are going well and I am almost where I need to be right now again. It was pretty difficult with the whole upheaval but I'm a fighter, and I've had a major come back.  Of sorts.

I don't want to go into too much details, because I feel like my blog might be very boring, if it's just a consequtive series of updates and plans. If you know me, then you'll already probably know what I'm up to at the minute, and what's been happening in my life. If you don't know me, you need to change that!

I just realised, though, that there's been a severe lack of witty banter and embarassing anecdotes as of late so I've been wracking my brains trying to think of what has happened lately. Where are all the random run ins with random boys? Where are all the social faux pas? Where are all the awkward times when I keep on talking to people even when they make it clear they don't want to talk to me anymore? I assure you, all of these things are still going on. Oh sweet Miriam, they're going on big time.

Last night was pretty entertaining. Some friends said they were going to touch rugby practice and would I like to go along. Being in dire need of some exercise, and a pretty big rugby fan, I thought 'Sure, why not.' So I showed up in my exercise gear, ready to get down and dirty. Although still not really understanding what the rules actually were. I donned my orange bib which clashed nicely with my pink t-shirt and I was ushered onto the field to play a match. It was certainly a learning experience. On the one hand I learnt that I was actually pretty good at taking down the big guys when they tried to get past me. On the other hand, I learnt that it's hard to make a good impression on the cute Australian guys on your team when you're an actual IMBECILE when it comes to sport. And they have to constantly shout out where you should be going and tell you to GET ON THE WING (which we all know is code for the crappest player position). Either way, I had lots of fun playing for a few hours and it felt really nice to actually be active for a change. Rather than actively eating chocolate like a piggy!

This weekend I had some really good times too. On Friday night, I moved the first half of my stuff to the new place I'll be living for a while. It was some fun dragging four large bags onto trams, particularly when the most fragile of those bags was full of my underwear and likely to fall out on the road everywhere( if I've learnt anything from my odd existence.) I eventually made it, but then I was rushing back out for dinner with a friend. We went to this lovely Italian restaurant where you ordered at the top the type of pizza/pasta dish you want, take a beeper, and they buzz you when they've made it fresh for you. As usual, I managed to get some banter from the waiters...Who tried to fool me into thinking my pizza was non existant (or something like that) Classic Italians, I guess. As soon as they knew I was English speaking and not German, the banter came flying!

After dinner we went for fro yo at Mister Wong's which was very yummy and it was just nice to be out doing something normal and social with my friday nights for a change. Plus, it was lovely to catch up because I hadn't seen him in a good few weeks.

Saturday and Sunday were pretty great days for me. For details, listen to a happy Taylor Swift song. That is pretty much my thoughts on the whole thing. Needless to say, there was a guy involved. A lovely guy. And a 24 hour date. In which I got to wear my pyjamas for some of it, and impersonate Billy Ray Cyrus, and he treated me to McDonalds and we watched rugby, and it was just really cool. And it made me feel all happy and normal and like the sort of girl who actually has a boy who actually likes her and does normal things like holding hands etc without being ridiculed. It was a really important landmark for me. I hope there are many more of these such dates. And guess what? I'll let you in on a secret. I really like him. As a literally nice and wonderful specimen of boy. Guess that means he's not gonna be in touch again!

Well, one thing is certain:

Another point has been crossed off my bucket list.
As well as the even more important life long bucket list thing already crossed out.

I tell you what, I only have like 3 points left to fulfill before I turn 22 now- I am doing super well with the whole fulfilling dreams thing!

I'm gonna have to add some of my more wacky thoughts back to the list
1)See snow on a beach
2) Be in two places at once (realised when I wrote this that I'd already fulfilled it...originally pinched of course from 'A Walk To Remember', as was my solution to the scenario)
3) Fall in love
4)Discover something new
5)Become a voice on the radio/television

What else has been happening? The job hunt is continuing. I applied to be a babysitter/ a tutor/ a dogwalker/ a language assistant- all to no avail. I've gotten some hours sorted for working still in my old job but need something else...will keep you updated if I reach a solution. Here's hoping I do!

I hope you are all well, and as usual, all comments are so wonderfully appreciated. Your comments make it worthwhile writing :)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The alternate ending to Cinderella

Well, here you all are, dear readers. And here I am, late as usual.

I would love to say that this entry was going to be a rewrite of the classic Grimm Brothers tale which, as you long term readers know, is my favourite fairy tale, but alas it is not. Well, in a matter of speaking it might be. Or it might be a subtle elusion to what Cinderella and I had in common, and what neither of us no longer are doing. I'm very vague, aren't I?

Needless to say, well actually there is a need, there has been a huge change in my life here within the last two days. It was a turbulent day for me yesterday and I was really shocked and overwhelmed. For those who don't know what I'm referring to, all that needs to be said is that I will no longer be working as a full time au-pair for this family. I am also changing locations. It's been a bit worrying for me to try and find somewhere else to live, and I'm having to think very hard at the minute about what else I can do for employment here. There aren't, well, ANY positions for a freelance blogger with a plucky can do attitude and a pretty empty bank account.

I'm feeling good though. I didn't think I would be, last night was very difficult, but today I think this is right. I need to be more in the city, experiencing life the way a 21 year old should be. It's true that lately I haven't been able to be myself, and perhaps that has shown. I feel like I have lost almost the entirety of my sense of humour and that I can barely string together a witty observation anymore. This is going to change.

So I bring you the new blog. Still my travels. Still my embarassing problems. Still my emotions served up on a plate for you to gorge on. I'm just going to have different trials and tribulations. And (hopefully) a job. Because I really don't want to leave Basel right now. It's such a stunning  place and I don't feel like I'm finished here yet. So, I'm working on at my TEFL qualification, studying my German, hopefully finding some part time tutoring/dog walking/ babysitting incomes, and enjoying the fact that I have a place to go home to at night where I can have LIE INS and where I can have QUIET. And a lovely housemate, who let me stay in his flat so nicely. Now just to find some rent money!

In other news, because I'm sure you're all gutted to hear about my misfortunes (or just really bored). Or smug. (Get off my blog then, you evil git! May I reference you to Someday, I'll be, living in a big old city, and all you're ever gonna be is meeeaaaan! Taylor gets it. If only someone would make my blogs into top pop hits then we'd be laughing... I'm nearly certain that SOTPM was sitting in front of me on the tram today. Anybody remember that one? He seems about a million stalks ago. A different time. When I could wear shorts without looking like a ridiculously annoying person. You know the people I mean, those ones that stubbornly have their legs out in freezing temperatures, blushing as pink as a baboon's backside. I couldn't believe it when I saw him. At least, I think it was him. He was a dead ringer, this guy, anyway. It seemed a fitting way to finish this section of my expat saga.

Not sure when I'm moving yet, maybe this weekend. I'm sure I will fill you in on what's going on. Here's the top five things I'm most looking forward to about my move:
1. Being in the hubub of city life (well, a bit closer anyway)
2. Cooking my own food (I really miss cooking!)
3. Regaining my sense of how living in a house can be fun
4. Sleeping past 8 o'clock
5. Coming and going whenever I like, without feeling like a criminal for getting home late.

In saying that, I've learnt a lot from these past two months and I don't think the chapter is fully finished. It just needs to be bookmarked for a while.

I wish you all a happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favour.