Weather in Greece |
This entry is from an utterly miserable windy, rainy tragedy of a country. While I listen to the delightful sound of rain ricocheting off my windows, I think to myself 'Ah, Bliss! I'm so very blessed to live in a country which offers such a wide range of weather conditions: if our days aren't filled with hailstones, it's hair-tangling wind, or snow storms, or heaven forbid some hazy clouds where, if one should squint way up into the distance, might spy a spot of actual blue skies. Blessed are we indeed!' When you are as blessed as I am to have hair resplendent of William Wallace (you can take my lands, but you cannae control my hair!) you really come to wish that you lived in a country that wasn't quite so windy!
Weather in Italy |
So, being an inquisitive sort- and an all-around legend (although that's neither here nor there!), I've taken it upon myself to make a study of some current temperatures across our glorious range of European countries. That's how fair my study is, not even stepping out of the continent, keeping it only two hours maximum time difference.
Weather in Malta |
As I'm sure you can see, by my beautiful print-screening abilities, it's all looking nice and sunny. Everybody is well and truly loving life, up in the 20 something degrees. Nothing like a nice bit of clean, hot, humid free air, right? That's something else I have noticed about the so called warmer temperatures (wherever they've gone now I couldn't possibly say) of our so called country. When it does feel warm, it's not the nice warm of other countries that feels clean and pure and comforting. Ohhhhhhhh no! It's more akin to being in a huge invisible jar which someone has burped into. Dirty, trapped, germ-ridden air.
Weather in Cyprus |
I'm terribly sorry for the graphic image above but that's the exact thought I had while I was walking earlier on. That's another story though. Walked to the sports centre to go for a nice swim. As soon as I left the front door it literally started raining. I just thought 'Today is going to be a perpetually moist day, isn't it?' and got on with things, not being one to wimp out of extreme weather. Of course, by the time I experienced burp jar syndrome, I was already incredibly damp and longing for dryness. Somehow swimming wasn't as fun when you couldn't dry off in the sun afterwards. When you have to return to the 4 degree cold and mizzle it's downright fantastic. That's another thing. When you go to an actual sports centre swimming pool, there
Weather in Switzerland |
's an unspoken expectation that you have to swim length after length after length. In Barcelona I was more likely to be found happily mushroom floating or carrying children around singing like Barney the Dinosaur (although he had the whole short arm syndrome so don't know if he was able to carry anyone. Safet to say, in Barcelona, I didn't find myself having to walk home with my arms bent like wings because they siezed up somewhere between getting out of the pool and attempting to put clothes on. My friend Josie and I have spent the remainder of today whimpering in pain, watching day time tv, our arms curled up in weird contortions to get comfy, thinking with extreme dread of trying to get out of bed tomorrow morning.
Weather where I am... |
So here we are, our weather. The one thing I'll say in it's favour, if you still desire to stock up on sun cream or summer clothes, there's probably some good discounts, because let's face it: nobody's getting a real tan in this country. Unless you're a tennis player, somehow in Wimbledon, they always get tanned!
Here's looking at you, last week in March. You were a brief summer....but you were awesome. Highlight of my summer was watching my dog trip over one of my shoes and then look back in confusion. I did chortle. That one day of sitting outside was magnificent. That temporary smell of everybody in the neighbourhood BBQ-ing was just what the doctor ordered.
Meanwhile in the U.K... |
So wrap up warm, folks. Summer is 'coming'. The 'sun' has got his hat on. Here comes the 'sun'. I'm feeling 'hot, hot, hot.'
Olé. Olé. Oléolé!
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