Following from a recent, and very random, conversation I had with my sister, and as nobody seems to be suggesting any golden sort of path to my dream job, I have come up with a selection of the jobs that, in an ideal world, I would be amazing at. Prepare yourself, this is all kinds of clever!
A logical place to start (that's me- the logical queen!) is from whence (WHENCE is a great word) this whole thing began. Recently I've been working as an English Tutor and the main thing I've learnt, as well as that anything a 12 year old boy finds funny I will too, is that the only pupils I get are boys. It is English tuition, I suppose. And I enjoy it. This got me to thinking that if the world in my imagination was real, I'd be Jo March and start my own school for boys.
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Come and learn, one and all! |
Plus points: It would be such fun! And Jo March has always been a bit of a similar character to me I think.
Should this obviously fool-proof plan not work out, I have several other options. Obviously.
Next on my list is the highly lucrative and useful occupation of being the supernatural element in a house/car/supermarket. There'd be a great audience for it. Everyone loves a good scare. Except me. But I AM the scary thing so that works out great!

Positives: Getting to be mischievous for large parts of the day. Getting to sneak around in soft-soled shoes with or without a white sheet, depending on authenticity level needed. Not having to worry about your appearance/getting to dress in period costumes and getting to snoop around cool houses.
Pitfalls: Long, lonely hours. Spending so much time alone that you start singing 'Everytime' by Britney Spears and pretending you're in a music video.

Picture it: I could while away my hours eating endless roast meats, the delicious nectar that is gravy, as much broccoli as my little heart might desire, and SO. MUCH. POTATO!!!!
Pitfalls: I will get really really fat. I will spend a large part of my life shouting "Ah Bisto!!!" to everyone's mutual chagrin. I might get sick of Roast Dinners? On second thought, no I won't. Ever.

Positives: A constant supply of Christmas cheer, red jumpers and themed props.
Pitfalls: Constant exposure to plastic turkeys so if I risk the anger of a manorexic Brad Pitt wannabe on set it is the perfect murder weapon- blow to the head by plastic turkey. Oh boy, what a way to go!
So there you have it, guys and girls, four of my very possible job roles if my imagination could invent a need for these. If anyone has anymore options, I will consider. Until then:
Merry Christmas, my ghostly teens! I hope you enjoy it and many more Roast Dinners to go. Ah....Bisto.