A much under appreciated art form, hedge sculpting is one of the more whimsical and hilarious things in this wonderfully weird world.
So, I present to you, totally topiary!
Thought it was a proud and long career for the Beatles, their greatest moment has to be being immortalised in topiary form. Once they were done asking us to 'Please please me' and proclaiming 'I am the Walrus' the next logical step was to become commemorated in hedge form. Noteable absence of Ringo from the drums?
"What does the fox say?"
Although there have been many possible suggestions given by Ylvis, unfortunately we aren't going to discover what the dear ginger creature has been longing to say because the fox is now a hedge.
You don't have to travel to the far corners of Westeros to chance a glance at a dragon anymore. It's not just Miss Stormborn who has access. The lucky gardener of this dragon can feel like a Slayer every time they maintain the dragon's short back and sides crop.

Somewhere in his ever unquenchable quest for honey, this cheeky bear has found himself turned into a forever memorial of optimism. I shall think of him always as singing '99 Luftballoon', longing to fly away from his prison of shrubbery.
I couldn't not include my favourite Disney princess as she dances with dear Charming. Forever dancing in her magic dress, before the pumpkin explosion morning after.
While I have you here: is anyone else alarmed that although Aurora has Phillip and Ariel has Eric, Cinderella and Snow White both have Charming?? Ouch!
"Don't you want me Baby?" "Hello, is it me you're looking for?" A mascot for all of us Beasts out there, a topiary reminder that sometimes you can be a hybrid monster with amazing strength and a pretty bad temper but people can still manage to capture you and forever make you into an inanimate hedge creature before you have a chance to escape?
On that note, imagine the job of the gardener at Disney World, one minute you're shearing the Beast's beard, the next you get distracted and chop off Mickey's head.
This little panda has two clear purposes.
1. To remind everyone of that amazing Youtube video that can make even the stoniest of cad have a chuckle. You know which one I mean.
2. To be placed in front of reluctant pandas in zoos as a means of encouraging them to get knocked up so they too can have cute little Mini Me hedge babies.
Good work.
This guy has the right idea. Run away from the horrors of hedge prisons. Or maybe he is just running away from this somewhat pointless blog post. I shall leave this open to debate.
Hope that was interesting for some people.