It all started when I was waiting with a bin bag of my clothes (to put in a charity drop off bin, I might add. I'm not really in the habit of walking around with my clothes in bin bags just to let them see the sights.) at a tram stop in Claraplatz. A man of some ethnicity came and sat down at the seat right next to me, that was- in leymen's terms- close enough to assist with back scratching. Gross. There's not many people I appreciate sitting that close to me. He started pretty casually. Here's our dialogue.
Him: Hoi
Him: Es ist kalt, ja?
Him: *insert German here* (I didn't understand)
Me:....*awkward smile.*
I proceed to rummage in my bag so I don't have to keep talking. I bring out my rather ratty looking Samsung and start playing scrabble.
Him: Nett Handy (Nice phone) Wie viel kostet das? (How much did it cost?) *makes a gesture insinuating richness*
Me: Es war nicht so viel (It was not so much)
Him: Bist du allein? (Are you alone)
Him: *insert German here*
He then proceeds to walk off and stand at other side of the tram stop. Times like this, wish I walked around with a ventriloquist dummy. No man would try to pick me up then. I mean, seriously?? I was literally wearing my hair in plaits, no make up, and a distinctly unappealing outfit as I've already packed away all my clothes.
The second situation which I found myself in was a bit less scary. I was on a different tram after dropping off my clothes and, anticipating that there would be numerous elderly searching for a seat and not being bothered with standing up once seated, I was preemptively standing for most of the journey. Eventually it had emptied out so I sat down next to a middle to older woman. I was singing along to 'Baby It's Cold Outside' in my head, while my Ipod piped Jessica Simpson/Nick Lachey into my ears when she started talking to me in rapid German. Here's our dialogue:
Her: *rapid German*
Me:.... Ich verstande nicht. Sprechen sie Englisch?
Her: Yes. I was saying you look just like somebody I knew.
Me: Oh really? Thanks!
Her: With the hair like that...and the hair colour, and the way your face is
Me: Thank you?
Her: It is somebody I like very much
Me: Oh, at least it is not someone you hate.
She proceeds to discover where I am from, if I am living in Switzerland etc, and then hands me a CD rom from her handbag which is entitled More Than Chocolate and Cheese and says, you can learn more about Switzerland on this.
Upon later inspection: it features a 40 minute documentary about Jesus. I have been...Jehovah Witnessed. I wonder if I looked like another Jehovah's Witness...there's a worrying thought.

I have had an action packed few days since I last wrote and there have been a couple of highlights. First of all, on Wednesday I procured a free 50fr voucher to spend in Mr Pickwicks. I won it on the radio...such a cool prize. It was a fair contest...after all, we all know I don't work on the radio at all. Ever. Anyway, after some pleasant afternoon shopping to celebrate my freedom with my friend Sarah, we went into the pub to have some delicious, and familiar food. I found myself uttering 'Bliss' in a way that would make my mum proud when I was sitting in front of a fireplace, with a huge Union Jack hung up behind me, feasting on Bangers and Mash and Magners Cider. Heavenly.
I also met up with my friend Oonagh yesterday morning to say goodbye. We had a lovely trip to Starbucks and, like Muslims to Mecca, we flocked into the warmth of H+M once more. If ever I could've married a shop, it would 'ave been H+M, Mr Frodo, it would 'ave been H+M. Well, hello Samwise possession...

My current problems: how can I accurately tell if my suitcases weigh less than 20kg if I do not have access to any working scales?? I've been lifting bags comparatively like a pretty crap body builder, trying to figure out whether it's heavier than other times in my life when my bag was over weight. And honestly, I think my bags are alright. But then next Wednesday I will get charged with 200 extra francs for having a bag that literally weighs 500kg. Could happen.
Also, is it pretty sad to spend my birthday alone, slipping on slushie ice and trying to cart three massively heavy bags alone on two trams and a bus to the airport?? I'm thinking it's pretty tragic. And difficult. Will I survive it? Time will tell.
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